How to prepare a deposition: A guide for divorce attorneys and clients
Depositions are an important discovery tool used by divorce attorneys to prepare for trial . While depositions are important for your case, they can be very intimidating, especially when the client has a lot at stake and is not familiar with the deposition process. Depositions are authorized under Illinois Supreme Court Rules 202 and 206. There are two types of depositions, discovery and evidentiary and the type of deposition must be stated in the Notice of Deposition. In this article, we discuss how to prepare for a deposition, including preparing yourself and the client for successful outcomes. How to Prepare for a Discovery Deposition The majority of depositions will be discovery depositions . This means that the party taking the deposition can ask questions that are likely to lead to discoverable information. The goal of the party taking a deposition is usually to get the deponent speaking and sharing information. The goal of the deponent and their attorne...