
Showing posts from March, 2019

Is Family Therapy Right For My Family?

  Trying  family therapy  or working with a family therapist can be life changing for some families. It allows an outlet for all of the built-up tension, anxiety, and anger. Family therapy can allow you to release your frustrations and teach you ways to better cope with these unfamiliar and extremely difficult situations like divorce and separation. Navigating the Emotions of Divorce with Family Therapy Navigating the feelings that often come with a divorce or a change in a family dynamic can be difficult for all parties involved. It can especially be difficult for children because they are at the mercy of their parents and often not fully informed with what is going on. High emotions are experienced at this time and can be hard for anyone to manage on their own. It’s hard to keep a clear mind and make rational decisions. Family therapy really focuses on helping individuals with these emotions move through and past the negativity and gain a brighter outlook on the situatio

Keeping Legal Fees Down In Your Family Law Case

A lot of divorce attorneys lawyers get a bad rap when it comes to charging legal fees. No one wants to pay them and when pushed to pay, clients often times feel that they have no control over their fees. To some extent that is true, but clients can help manage the legal fees they incur. Our Goal Is To Keep Your Legal Fees Down Lawyers like to make money just like anyone else. Our law office has to pay the rent and pay its employees, just like any other business. But most family law lawyers I know do work hard to make fees reasonable. We want to help families and most of us in the area of family law have that same desire to help. We understand that you have problems, and we are here to help solve those problems. To provide the best service we can, we must balance working on your case to achieve your goals by trying to keep your costs as low as possible. To have a better idea as to how to control your legal fees, you need to know how we charge for our time. Family Law Attorneys B

Spying On Your Spouse In A Family Law Case is Illegal

There has been an increase of incidents of   spying on your spouse   in family law cases with the increase of technology in today’s world. With today’s readily available technology, examples of tracking a spouse using cell phone GPS or listening in on visitation between parents and children through devices strapped to young children who are unaware of what is occurring are not unusual. With technology readily accessible, it’s definitely different to get divorced now than it was 10 years ago. Spying On Your Spouse Can Have Serious Consequences Judges are taking these allegations of illegally tracking or spying on your spouse very seriously. Heavy sanctions are being imposed if there is evidence of one party illegally spying on the other. Attorneys are also taking action and demanding sanctions be issued against these stalkers. CHECK YOUR DEVICES AT THE DOOR Some family law attorneys require all sensitive information concerning a case to be discussed in person in their secur