Don’t Make These Mistakes In Your High Asset Divorce
Your High Asset Divorce can have pitfalls that are more damaging than a divorce case with little to no assets. There is just so much more to lose in high asset divorce. Many high asset clients are very savvy about their finances, which is how they fall into the “high asset” category to begin with. So, there are certain issues in which these individuals need to exercise extreme caution to ensure that they are obtaining everything that they can during their divorce proceedings. 4 Things to Avoid in Your High Asset Divorce Do not let yourself fall victim to these common mistakes: 1. Completing Discovery, even if the relationship is “amicable” Some parties to a marriage may believe they know everything about their and their partner’s finances. Other parties may know nothing about each other’s finances. Frankly, it doesn’t matter either way, because in both scenarios it is very important to complete discovery. Waiving a right to discovery means there is a possibility that...