
Showing posts from February, 2020

Oscar-nominee “Marriage Story” Lessons in Divorce

Sometimes movies reflect real-life providing us with an opportunity to learn a lesson or two. While watching the hit movie and Oscar-nominated “ Marriage Story ”, the storyline relative to divorce cases was depicted perfectly. “Marriage Story” Lesson #1 – Choose the Right Divorce Attorney The husband, portrayed by actor Adam Driver, hired an older, seasoned attorney who seemed to have a very nonchalant attitude in regards to his case. He was a very nice man – but he was not aggressive whatsoever. He was no match for Laura Dern’s character (the wife’s attorney) and he was putting his client in a position to be walked all over. He encouraged settlement and even commented about the aggressiveness of Laura Dern. Adam Driver’s character’s first attorney was a terrible match for him and his divorce case. However, he may have been the perfect attorney in an uncontested matter for a friend of Adam Driver’s, and someone could have sang his praises to Adam Driver. He sim

In a Rocky Marriage? Don’t Forget to Call an Estate Planning Attorney

Let’s be honest. It’s not likely that an estate planning attorney is going to be the first attorney you call when having marital troubles. And given the stress and cost of a divorce, it’s not likely you’ll want to add one to your list of contacts during the divorce or soon thereafter.  Nevertheless, an estate planning attorney can help give you peace of mind throughout the process, working by your side and with your family law attorney before, during, and after a divorce to optimize your goals. Before You File for Divorce If you’re still married, it may surprise you to know that your spouse has many legal rights as they pertain to you. Some of these rights make sense in a healthy marriage; however, in an unhealthy one, what you don’t know can hurt you. For example, by default, your spouse has priority in making health care decisions for you. This means that if you’re knocked unconscious in a car accident and your doctor needs consent to engage in a

Beware When Using a Therapist in a Family Law Case

There are so many different reasons why you may consider using a therapist in your family law. A lot of couples going through a divorce have their own personal therapists, which can be a very healthy way to deal with the difficult personal situation they are going through. Some parents need a therapist to assist them in effectively communicating and co-parenting. Many, if not most, minor children have counselors to talk to about their parent’s separation and other issues related to a family law case they are involved in. Finally, sometimes when parents are estranged from their minor children it is required that they attend something called “reunification therapy” to try and rebuild the relationship between the estranged parent and the child. Things to be Avoid if Using a Therapist in Your Family Law Case All of these therapists are extremely useful, particularly when you have someone knowledgeable about the family law process. However, in my experience as a Chicag