How to Get a Divorce If You Can't Find Your Spouse

If you can't find your spouse and you want to get divorced, the law allows you to do that as long as you follow some rules which are required to show the court that you have done everything you could do to attempt to locate your spouse. Generally, when you file for divorce , you are required to obtain personal service on your spouse by having the Sheriff or a personal process server: deliver a copy of the summons and the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with your spouse personally; OR by leaving a copy of the summons and Petition where your spouse lives with someone else who also lives there as long as they are at least 13 years of age and the person serving the paperwork tells that person what they are serving and the person serving follows up with mailing a copy to that address. Personal Service When You Can't Find Your Spouse This service requirement can prove to be impossible if you do not know where your spouse is. There are cases where people married wi...