Mental Health Evaluations in Chicago Divorce Cases
During a divorce, clients often ask about using psychological or mental health evaluations to assess the mental health of the other party. While some people believe their ex is "crazy", only in extreme cases is a mental health evaluation granted or allowed by Chicago family courts, or even relevant. Usually, mental health comes into play when there are concerns regarding the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time, as it is a factor that can be considered by a Judge. Substance abuse issues can also trigger mental health issues and arguments, as well as Orders of Protection . Requesting Mental Health Evaluations in Illinois Family Court If a true mental health evaluation is necessary, it is provided for under Illinois Supreme Court Rule 215 . That rule indicates that a person can request a mental health evaluation for their spouse, but it isn’t without caveats/repercussions. First and foremost, the requestor has to pay for it....