Child Support Arrears – What You Need to Know
Child support arrears refers to the amount of unpaid child support owed to a custodial parent. You fall into “arrears” when you fail to pay the full amount ordered. When you have a child support order, it is not a suggestion of how much to pay, but the amount you must pay. Following a court order is important, and especially when dealing with child support since the arrears grow with a 9% interest rate. How are Child Support Arrears Calculated? Nothing can be worse than getting behind in your child support. Once the support obligation becomes due, even the judge cannot modify the financial obligation. It is imperative that you pay child support on time and never fall behind since the judgment (and each individual support obligation becomes its own judgment) grows at 9% interest . A smart parent who is holding the judgment, and believes that there is some collectability from the obligor, can sit on that judgment and let it grow into an incredible amo...