What to Expect at Trial in a Chicago Divorce
Going to trial can be a nerve-wracking experience. As Chicago divorce attorneys , we know first-hand clients are nervous and unsure of what to expect at trial if their divorce or family law case is headed to court. It is helpful to know a bit about what will happen to ease your anxiety. When you actually testify, there are a set of rules that your lawyer needs to abide by, and the more you understand about those rules, the easier it will be. Knowing something about the rules of evidence will be helpful. What are the Rules of Evidence Your attorney needs to introduce evidence at your trial . The rules dictate how the evidence is permitted to come and in what manner. Going over some common rules will make your Chicago divorce trial process easier to understand. When an attorney does not follow the rules of evidence, the other attorney will object. Here are some common objections you might hear make at trial. Questioning Witnesses at Trial and Object...